
Site Scans capture an entire job site or structure in 3D and 2D through the use of photogrammetry. This is achieved by photographing the location hundreds or even thousands of times from all possible perspectives, and then processing that data set with special software that reconstructs the site in full 3D. Once processed in 3D, there are many deliverable types that can be produced from that data including 3D Point Clouds for CAD software, 2D Orthomosaics for GIS software, textured 3D assets for web or VR/AR display or even physical 3D prints. Multiple sites scans can be grouped together to provide a full 3D or 2D orthomosaic progression view of a site. If you are already scanning your site with the use of terrestrial LiDAR, photogrammetry data can be added to that dataset and provide a much larger coverage area and increased line of sight.


Object scanning applies the same principle technology behind site scanning, photogrammetry, to objects on a much smaller scale. Handheld objects such as artifacts, sculptures and carvings are often scanned and cataloged digitally in an effort to share with a wider audience. Once scanned, those objects can be viewed across all major viewing platforms including mobile, desktop browser, VR headsets and AR apps. 


Virtual Tours are another great way to document a location, be it a museum, construction site or something in between. While Site Scans capture the site in 3D, Virtual Tours capture the site in full 360 from multiple locations and allow you to jump from one location to the next and have a virtual look around in any possible direction. Virtual Tours work on all major viewing platforms including mobile devices, desktops and VR Headsets such as the Oculus Quest. The VR experience is fully immersive and allows viewers to feel as if they are on site in person. The 360 panoramic photography can be captured both from the aerial and ground based perspectives and are of extremely high resolution, allowing for an incredible level of zoom to see the details of your site.


Inspection Photography allows users to perform visual inspections around the structure without the costs and hassles of scaffolding. Inspection photography is often a continuation of services after construction is complete and typically focuses on specific portions of the building that are difficult to monitor through other means. While progression photography may take place as frequently as every week, inspection photography is generally conducted annually or as needed.


Progression Photography is one of the easiest methods to start utilizing aerial imaging on your job sites. A number of vantage points are strategically selected around your site and then those exact photo locations are captured on a regular schedule during the entire construction process. The image location data saved includes altitude, horizontal location (lat/long), heading (compass direction) and camera pitch and ensures that you see the exact same perspective throughout the entire duration of your project.


Cinematography and drones go hand in hand, there is no denying it. The ability to move a camera in never before possible ways has sparked a revolution of creativity across the filmmaking world over the last several years. This technology has found itself at home equally from hollywood film sets to small scale construction sites. The ability to pull out wide and reveal vast portions of land while also being able to fly in tight for a close up on just the right detail make drones a wise tool for virtually all video production projects. Multi-person teams with dedicated pilot, camera operator and production assistant are available as well as a simple one person pilot filming, depending on project type, budget and camera/lens requirements.


Aerial Photography is obviously at the root of everything Mr Kilby has worked on for the past decade, and it is a task he takes very seriously. From the beginning it has been an artistic outlet and one he continues to push to this day. While most of the other services that came after it use a drone as a way to capture data, aerial photography (and cinematography by matter of extension) is the true art form of the platform. Being able to picture the right composition in your mind and knowing how to capture that in the real world is a large task. Capturing just the right angle, surroundings, lighting and time of year is something that only an experienced aerial photographer can do time and time again.


Time Lapse Photography has been a passion of Mr Kilby’s for some time and one he works into projects any chance he gets. Motion controlled time lapse in particular including sliders, turntables and drones are at the front of his interests. Time Lapses are great for capturing environment and activity alike, depending on the project. They have been used to document everything from long creative processes such as painting or sculpting to the stars of the night sky racing around the north star. 


Bespoke Software Development is often used for large projects that have specific data presentation requirements that simply aren’t met by any of the solutions available on the market today. Multiple data types can be displayed together, in one neat sandbox rather than linking out to several different viewers or platforms. Orthomosaic maps can merge with 360 panos as well as 3D scans and additional client data like CAD drawings and master plans to form one cohesive experience. Platforms include web, mobile and VR/AR. 

3D Printing extends the digital into the real world by producing a scaled, physical model of your  digital files. Objects typically printed range from original 3D CAD files to scans of entire sites or small objects. Prints can range in size from just a few inches to a meter or more and come in one color filament or full color sandstone.